Mona Brown

Last name Brown
First names Mona Legard
Known as Mona
Married name Algeo
Gender Female
Born 1901
Died 1966
Father Walter Brown
Mother Alice Smith
Siblings Kathleen Brown, Alice Brown, Douglas Brown, Harold Brown, Nonie Brown, Elsie Brown
Partners Tom Algeo (1926)
Children Pat Algeo, Tom Algeo, Junie Algeo, Dougie Algeo
Family Orr-Algeo
Relationship To

Before Ireland seceded from the UK in 1922, Mona had fallen in love with a British officer named Gordon. When Gordon left Ireland with his regiment, he promised to write but Mona never received any letters. Years later she happened to be going through some desk drawers when she found the letters from Gordon which had been secretly hidden by her father (Reverend Brown) who didn't approve of her relationship with an Englishman.

Note that her fourth child was named Gordon Douglas (but known as Dougie).

Pat, Mona’s eldest daughter, remembers Mona getting a telegram informing her of Gordon’s death (sometime in the mid-1930s) Mona then fainting.

Married on 2nd August, 1926 at Colaghty Church, Lack. At the time of her marriage her address was given as Lack Rectory, Kesh.

Her birthday was September 19th, 1901.