Arthur Algeo, Edie Algeo, Fred Hazard, Molly Al...

Mona Brown is at the centre of this picture (in the dark dress).

Sister Edie is behind her, sister Dorothy is on the left (holding her hand to her face - according to Pat Algeo she was a giggler).

Mona's sister-in-law, Molly Algeo, is on the right and sister-in-law Loius is sitting in front.

At the back on the left is brother-in-law Arthur Algeo. In the middle is Fred Hazard (husband of another of Mona's sisters, Nonie).

The small boy sitting next to Molly is Fred's son Desmond.

This is one of two group photographs of what is probably Mona's wedding to Thomas Algeo.

People in (or associated with) this picture: