Walter Brown

Last name Brown
First names Walter
Known as Walter
Gender Male
Born 1861
Died 1933
Father Joseph Brown
Mother Fanny Rudkin
Siblings Emma Brown, Harriet Brown, Harry Brown, Mary Brown, Joseph Brown, John Brown, Herbert Brown, Mary Brown
Partners Alice Smith (1890), Margart Allen (1924)
Children Kathleen Brown, Alice Brown, Douglas Brown, Harold Brown, Nonie Brown, Elsie Brown, Mona Brown
Family Orr-Algeo
Relationship To

Info on another genealogical site.

From a typed note in Pat Orr's scrapbook collection:

  • Curate of Ahoghill 1889-1891
  • Curate of St Andrews, Belfast, 1891-1893
  • Ordained priest, St Mark's Church, Dundela, 1893
  • Rector of Ardglass, 1893-1899
  • Ordained deacon, St Thomas' Church, Belfast, 1899
  • Rector of Cooneen and Mullaghfad, 1899-1922
  • Vicar of St Margaret's, Fivemiletown, 1922-1923
  • Vicar of St Luke's, Belfast, 1923-1924
  • Incumbent of Colaghty, Kesh, 1924-1929
  • Incumbent of St Thomas, Rathlin Island, 1929-1932
  • Incumbent of Asleagh, Leenane, Galway, 1932-1933

He second marriage was to a widow, Margaret Jane Fife (of 3 Rosetta Avenue, Belfast; father Robert Allen, a merchant, deceased; first husband, the Reverend Edward Fife, deceased) on the 24th April 1924 at St Annes Cathedral Church of Ireland in Belfast.

He died at Kenure Glebe (see pictures), Rush in October 1933 where he was living with his daughter Mona's family. A note about the parsonage can be found here.

Amongst the mourners at his funeral were a Mr & Mrs Shellington of Sheffield, described as sister and brother-in-law. It's knows there was a family connection to Sheffield.