Nonie Brown, Annie Stockdale, Louie Algeo, Doro...

Mona Brown is at the centre of this group, with a hat.

To the right of Mona is her sister Edie (in a white dress).

In front of Mona, the woman with the pearls is her sister Louie.

The woman on the left is Nonie, another of Mona's sisters, and she's holding her son Eric's hand.

The woman with pigtails, sitting at the front, is Mona's sister Dorothy.

The other two women sitting at front centre are Molly Algeo (Mona's sister-in-law) and her mother Annie Stockdale.

The man on the right is Mona's father-in-law (and Annie Stockdale's husband), Thomas Henry Algeo.

This is one of two group photographs of what is probably Mona's wedding to Thomas Algeo.

People in (or associated with) this picture: