Dougie Algeo, John Orr, Junie Algeo, Mark Orr, ...

Letterhead for the recruitment business Pat (with husband John's help) started in 1953. The original name was going to be Algeo-Orr but they thought that had too many vowels. The first business idea was a baby sitting agency but that had to be shelved when they found out it was illegal. Eventually they started a secretarial recruitment agency. Douglas and June (Pat's brother and sister) helped kickstart the business by delivering flyers round Belfast businesses. Attracting aspiring secretaries wasn't a problem, making businesses aware of their services was the key.

The business was busy in 1955 when Pat and John's first child (Mark) came along. They had hoped to continue if Mona, Pat's mum, was able to look after the new baby but unfortunately Mona went into hospital that same year and they had to give the business up. Another firm, Munster-Simms, took it over to begin with and then later somebody else and it continued with the same name for many years later.

At one point, by error, Pat recruited a businessman's own secretary. He had wanted to fire the secretary and she had wanted to leave. Pat and the businessman had a good laugh about it and there was no ill feeling. She persuaded him to let his secretary resign instead of sacking her and Pat found him someone else.

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