People with Unknown YOD
- Algeo, Ruth Patricia Legard (Pat) 1927
- Allen, Margart Jane 1860
- Allen, Robert 1835
- Barlow, Kitty (The Duchy) 1867
- Bird, John 1927
- Brown, Alice Norah (Nonie) 1897
- Brown, Harriet 1848
- Brown, Harry 1850
- Brown, John 1855
- Brown, Joseph 1852
- Castle, Angela 1921
- Castle, Christopher 1923
- Castle, Judy 1927
- Castle, Nora 1925
- Castle, Raymond 1894
- Cazalet, Clarissa (Clary) 1925
- Cazalet, Edward 1897
- Cazalet, Hugh 1896
- Cazalet, Louise 1923
- Cazalet, Polly 1925
- Cazalet, Rachel 1899
- Cazalet, Rupert 1903
- Cazalet, Simon 1926
- Cazalet, Teddy 1924
- Cazalet, William (The Brig) 1860
- Chambers, Margaret (Maggie) 1868
- Coyle, John 1869
- Coyle, Mary Ann 1911
- Craig, Dudley 1900
- Davidson, Hugh 1870
- Davidson, Isabella 1862
- de Valençay, Jean 1901
- Dinsmore, Samuel 1866
- Ennis, Mary Jane 1871
- Finnegan, Hugh 1871
- Halley, Agnes Mitchell (Nan) 1929
- Hazard, Frederick (Fred) 1900
- Hazard, Kathleen 1928
- Headford, Zoë 1915
- Herbert, Richard (Dick) 1900
- Hinchcliffe, Hannah 1782
- Howard, Geoff 1894
- Howard, John 1900
- Howard, Ruth 1902
- Jonson, Mary 1900
- Larmour, Sarah 1884
- Ledgard, Hannah 1820
- Mackintosh, Diana 1900
- McFeeter, William (Bill) 1928
- Moffatt, David 1925
- Palmer, Rosemary Ivy Shaw 1921
- Rea, Hetti 1900
- Rydal, Jessica 1894
- Rydal, Lady 1860
- Rydal, Viola (Villy) 1896
- Sherlock, Philip 1898
- Smyth, Alfred Legard 1899
- Smyth, Isobel Olive 1900
- Young, Wayland Hilton 1923
Females with Unknown Maiden Name
Males with a Married Name
Males with a Female First Name
Females with a Male First Name
People with Guessed YOB
- Allen, Margart Jane 1860
- Allen, Robert 1835
- Bardwell, Hilary Ann Boyd (Hilly) 1928-2010
- Barlow, Florence (The Witch) 1861-2018
- Brown, George 1886-1960
- Brown, Helen 1896-1960
- Brown, Isabella 1892-1960
- Brown, James (Jimmy) 1894-1960
- Brown, John (Jake) 1884-1960
- Brown, Peter 1890-1960
- Brown, William 1896-1960
- Castle, Angela 1921
- Castle, Christopher 1923
- Castle, Judy 1927
- Castle, Nora 1925
- Castle, Raymond 1894
- Craig, Dudley 1900
- Craig, Eleanor 1930
- Craig, Nancy 1931
- Davidson, Alan William 1982
- de Valençay, Jean 1901
- Dickie, Neil 1921-1970
- Dickie, Robin 1923-1931
- Dickie, Sheena 1919-1970
- Greenwood, Robert (Rob) 1986
- Hazard, Desmond 1930
- Hazard, Frederick (Fred) 1900
- Hazard, Kathleen 1928
- Heath, Lamorna 1950-1978
- Herbert, Carmen 1932
- Herbert, Jane 1931
- Herbert, Pauline 1930
- Herbert, Richard (Dick) 1900
- Hinchcliffe, Hannah 1782
- Howard, Alexander (The Brig) 1861-2018
- Howard, Geoff 1894
- Howard, John 1900
- Howard, Ruth 1902
- Jonson, Mary 1900
- Ledgard, Hannah 1820
- Lynch, Conor 1990
- Mackintosh, Jamie 1937
- Macmillan, Mary (Muff) 1888-1986
- Macmillan, Neil 1860-1925
- Martin, Mary Jane (Jean) 1934-2024
- Mayo, Terrence Albert John (Terry) 1930-1995
- McFeeter, Janice 1952
- Melrose, David 1930
- Melrose, Georgina 1955-1955
- Melrose, Patrick 1960
- Mitchell, Isabella 1840-1910
- Moffatt, David 1925
- Moffatt, Gladys 1923-2013
- Moffatt, Harold (Harry) 1926-1980
- Moffatt, Jack 1928-1983
- Moffatt, Jamie 2007
- Moffatt, Joan 1933
- Moffatt, Jonni 2009
- Moore, Anne 1930
- Phillips , Antonia 1949
- Queripel, Laura 1985
- Rea, Hetti 1900
- Rudkin, Harold (Harry) 2006
- Rydal, Father 1860-1935
- Rydal, Lady 1860
- Sherlock, Philip 1898
- Smith, George 1805-1874
- Smith, Helen (Eileen) 1845-1900
- Smith, John 1769-1822
- Smith, Thomas Sigston 1820-1865
- Swift, Muriel 1930
- Tremain, Kevin 1952
- White, Cecil (Jim) 1930-2010
People with Guessed YOD
- Brown, Alexander 1845-1900
- Brown, George 1886-1960
- Brown, Helen 1896-1960
- Brown, Isabella 1892-1960
- Brown, James (Jimmy) 1894-1960
- Brown, John 1810-1870
- Brown, John (Jake) 1884-1960
- Brown, Peter 1890-1960
- Brown, Walter Cyril Douglas 1895-1960
- Brown, William 1896-1960
- Coyle, Margretta Carolina (Marline) 1908-1980
- Dickie, Alexander M. 1875-1940
- Dickie, Archibald 1873-1940
- Dickie, David 1879-1940
- Dickie, Johanna 1868-1930
- Dickie, Neil 1921-1970
- Dickie, Robert 1830-1900
- Dickie, Robin 1923-1931
- Dickie, Sheena 1919-1970
- Gordon, Jane 1811-1880
- Halley, Helen Scott (Elma) 1934-2010
- Hazard, Eric 1921-2000
- Hogarth, Alice 1849-1900
- Hogarth, George 1852-1900
- Hogarth, Isabella 1847-1900
- Hogarth, Jane 1858-1900
- Hogarth, Janet 1839-1905
- Hogarth, Mary 1841-1861
- Hogarth, Thomas 1855-1900
- Ledgard, Jackey 1780-1860
- Macmillan, Colina (Toby) 1890-1950
- Macmillan, Neil 1860-1925
- Macmillan, Nigel (Nig) 1896-1960
- Mayo, Terrence Albert John (Terry) 1930-1995
- Melrose, Georgina 1955-1955
- Mitchell, Alexander 1880-1940
- Mitchell, Andrew 1858-1920
- Mitchell, Cecelia 1834-1900
- Mitchell, Cecelia 1878-1940
- Mitchell, Daniel 1883-1940
- Mitchell, Isabella 1840-1910
- Mitchell, Isabella 1874-1930
- Mitchell, James 1867-1930
- Mitchell, Jane S. 1876-1940
- Mitchell, John 1819-1880
- Mitchell, John Hood 1860-1920
- Mitchell, Margaret 1866-1930
- Mitchell, Mary T. H. 1869-1930
- Mitchell, Thomas 1770-1830
- Moffatt, Gladys 1923-2013
- Moffatt, Harold (Harry) 1926-1980
- Moffatt, Jack 1928-1983
- Nable, James 1926-2010
- Orr, Sarah Jane (Sadie) 1924-2015
- Orr, Sarah Jane (Jean) 1928-1995
- Paxton, Jean 1790-1850
- Renwick, Charles 1870-1930
- Renwick, Francis 1786-1850
- Renwick, Francis 1829-1890
- Renwick, George 1880-1940
- Renwick, Henni 1832-1890
- Renwick, Isabella 1878-1940
- Renwick, James 1872-1930
- Renwick, Janet 1850-1910
- Renwick, Jessie 1872-1930
- Renwick, John 1839-1900
- Renwick, Mary 1826-1890
- Renwick, Robert 1821-1880
- Renwick, Semion 1855-1940
- Renwick, Thomas 1832-1890
- Renwick, Walter 1826-1890
- Smith, Elizabeth Ormerod 1858-1930
- Smith, George 1805-1874
- Smith, Helen (Eileen) 1845-1900
- Smith, Helen 1847-1920
- Smith, Isabelle Ann (Isabella) 1852-1920
- Smith, John 1769-1822
- Smith, John Ledgar 1850-1920
- Walker, Cecelia 1772-1830
- White, Cecil (Jim) 1930-2010
Missing Partnerships
Partnerships with Guessed Start
Smith, John 1769-1822 ● Smith, Mary 1776-1856
Mitchell, Thomas 1770-1830 ● Walker, Cecelia 1772-1830
Renwick, Francis 1786-1850 ● Paxton, Jean 1790-1850
Mitchell, Thomas 1792-1870 ● Thompson Hood, Mary 1795-1870
Brown, John 1810-1870 ● Gordon, Jane 1811-1880
Dickie, Robert 1830-1900 ● Mitchell, Isabella 1840-1910
Howard, Alexander (The Brig) 1861-2018 ● Barlow, Florence (The Witch) 1861-2018
Rydal, Father 1860-1935 ● Rydal, Lady 1860
Somervell, Arthur 1863-1937 ● Collet, Edith 1861-1944
Cazalet, William (The Brig) 1860 ● Barlow, Kitty (The Duchy) 1867
Cazalet, Edward 1897 ● Rydal, Viola (Villy) 1896
Cazalet, Hugh 1896 ● Carter, Sybil 1899-1942
Cazalet, Rupert 1903 ● Rush, Isobel 1893-1930
Craig, Dudley 1900 ● Jonson, Mary 1900
Mitchell, James Renwick 1909-1987 ● Stewart, Lydia (Leo) 1907-1993
Cazalet, Rupert 1903 ● Headford, Zoë 1915
Cazalet, Edward 1897 ● Mackintosh, Diana 1900
McFeeter, William (Bill) 1928 ● Hazard, Kathleen 1928
Melrose, David 1930 ● Craig, Eleanor 1930
Black, Alfred (Alfie) 1920-1984 ● Gillespie, Ena 1927-2011
Hazard, Desmond 1930 ● Swift, Muriel 1930
Orr, Joseph (Joe) 1934-2021 ● McCann, Mary Elenor 1940
Mayo, Terrence Albert John (Terry) 1930-1995 ● Halley, Helen Scott (Elma) 1934-2010
Langtry, William Herbert (Bill) 1934-2015 ● Orr, Annie (Anna) 1939-2024
Lefebre, Alain 1962-2016 ● Bird, Caroline 1964
Mitchell, Alan James 1966 ● Reid, Morag Anne 1967
Mitchell, Aron William 1972 ● Smith, Erica Louise (Erika) 1972
Grignon, Jean Paul 1963 ● Bird, Caroline 1964
Lynch, Conor 1990 ● Orr, Lyndsay Lianne Legard 1982
Partnerships with Guessed End
Pictures with no People
Portraits of More or Less than one Person