Our Favourites

Name Note Type Year Sandra S Mark M Total T
Genius: The Life and Science of Richard Feynman By James Gleick Book 2011 7 7
Transparent Starring Jeffrey Tambor TV 2014 7 7 14
Follow the Money (Bedrag) Danish TV 2016 8 7 15
Zootropolis Walt Disney cartoon Film 2016 7 7 14
Happy Valley Written by Sally Wainw... TV 2014 10 8 18
Hail, Ceasar! Starring George Cloone... Film 2016 8 1 9
Spotlight True story about a Bos... Film 2015 7 5 12
Grand Hotel Budapest Directed by Wes Anders... Film 2014 7 8 15
Delicatessen An homage to Terry Gil... Film 1991 9 9 18
The Good Wife Starring Julianna Marg... TV 2009 8 8 16
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